BC Gov’t + Service Employees’ Union (Kelowna)

Location: Kelowna BC

Area: 6,000 ft2 (560 m2)

Status: Completed 2014 under previous firm Studio B Architects

“…this space represents who we are and who we want to be in the community. Open and inclusive, this building allows us to be leaders in our community by providing a space that’s comfortable and beautiful”

-Darryl Walker, Past President

This 2-storey commercial office building on the edge of downtown Kelowna functions as a regional office and meeting hub for the BC Government and Service Employees’ Union. Its program consists of office space on the second storey and a large meeting hall with support spaces at grade.

The building’s location sits in-between a quiet single family residential neighbourhood and a busy retail centre. The project is designed to act as a bridge between both uses. It incorporates the surrounding residential sense of place through its lower scale, vernacular brick and wood materials, and associated colour scheme, while addressing the street in a more public, retail manner.

The building was well received by the City, the owner, and the surrounding union membership and was the first of a number of regional union centres that Studio B Architects has designed for BCGEU.